Subsea – Børs og Finans – Ee24. Nå åpner undervannsentreprenøren kontor på Fornebu. Siste, Endring, Endr , Kjøper, Selger, Åpning, Høy, Lav, Forrige, Volum, Verdi, Handler. Daglig oppdaterte og objektive grafanalyser og anbefalinger til alle selskaper på børsen, TOP5 modellportefølje, . See quote, chart, news, key metrics and recommendations and participate in Euroinvestors discussion board for . Oslo Børs: SUBC, ADR: SUBCY) . Bid documents issued for two subsea equipment contracts at Black Sea project.
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Petrobel lets subsea contract for Zohr field Phase 2. We use cookies to make this website work better for you and to track site visits anonymously. When trying to estimate the position of Forum Okretowe in regard to the whole. Saipem included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World and Europe Indexes. UPDATE – Tropical Storm Nate kills in Central America, heads for U.