Rapporter et annet bilde Rapporter det støtende bildet. Det er vanligvis utformet som en skål eller renne i . Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language). Bufret Oversett denne siden Define pissoir : a public urinal usually located on the street in some European countries. Definition of pissoir – a public urinal.
German-English Dictionary: Translation for Pissoir.
Or, at least, a small part of it. You could install in the garden your very own cast iron pissoir , or 19th-century . Marcel Duchamp is considered one of the great artists of the 20th century, but was his greatest achievement – Fountain – a urinal bearing the . French from Middle French from pisser, to urinate from Old French pissier: see piss. Words and phrases that rhyme with pissoir : ().
Ein Pissoir ist ein fürs Stehpinkeln von Männern vorgesehener Ort. Piss-Off Bodily Functions Piss-Off Bodily Functions The Pissoir Boulder Fert Loaf (V0) Short but fun. See what people are saying and join the conversation.
To ski this route, go round the Aiguilles du Tour cross the col to the north of the Aiguille du Pissoir. Traverse the top of the Glacier des Grands and cross the . Frauen- Pissoir : Kein leichtes Unterfangen. Der Anblick ist ungewohnt: Im Frauenpissoir Peeasy stehen Frauen nebeneinander und pinkeln. Pissoir im Deutsch Französisch-Wörterbuch von PONS Online: Pissoir. Søgning på “ pissoir ” i Den Danske Ordbog.
Glosbe, online ordbok, gratis. Bla milions ord og uttrykk på alle språk. Forum discussions with the word(s) pissoir in the title: No titles with the word(s) pissoir.
Visit the Spanish-English Forum. Help WordReference: Ask in the . Background: The epidemiology on recreational drug use is based on self- reported user surveys. The scope of this is limited as users are often not aware of.